Lego is a toy of “infinite possibilities,” for Aaron Newman, a second-year theater student, who has been building his own art out of Legos. Newman explains how he found his passion in Lego-making and has exhibited and shared his work with other people on websites.
Explore Café Synapse, Music Café, Lu Valle Commons, Northern Lights, and SEAS Cafe: five unique cafés you might not know about. Watch this video to find out where they are and what they look like.
In celebration of National Coming Out Week, the members of UCLA’s Queer Alliance hosted an event known as BBQueer. This gathering encourages attendees to meet others with similar experiences.
Hundreds of people gathered in Royce Quad to mourn the recent deaths of UC Santa Barbara students in the Isla Vista tragedy. With candles in their hands, UCSB and UCLA students, parents and alumni heard the words of those personally affected by the incident.
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