Lego is a toy of “infinite possibilities,” for Aaron Newman, a second-year theater student, who has been building his own art out of Legos. Newman explains how he found his passion in Lego-making and has exhibited and shared his work with other people on websites.
Several student leaders and other members of the UCLA community gathered in Meyerhoff Park Monday to remember those killed in the Paris attacks last week.
“But I think that when we look around the room, or Meyerhoff Plaza, and see so many different faces and so many different types of people, out here gathered in mourning and solidarity, I think that’s when we start to see the seeds of justice and the seeds of a better world,” said USAC President Avinoam Baral.
Hanoolim means “unity.” The Korean Culture Festival united the Korean community on Friday in Bruin Plaza. The Hanoolim Korean Cultural Awareness Group is about “gaining cultural awareness throughout the UCLA community,” said Angela Tam, a fourth-year Asian studies student.
A tuition hike protest overshadowed the bonfire in the annual Beat ‘SC Bonfire and Rally event. Watch lively footage of the raw emotions pouring out from both the protest and the Beat ‘SC Bonfire and Rally.
On Tuesday, the Rieber Hall Fireside Lounge served as one of several local polling places to provide a convenient place for students to vote. Daily Bruin Video asked students about their thoughts on the voting locations on campus and on the Hill.
From flavors like “Fried Chicken and Waffles” to “Avocado Sriracha,” Coolhaus has made its name in the world of gourmet ice cream desserts. But Natasha Case, co-founder of Coolhaus and UCLA Architecture and Urban Design alumna, wants customers to know the company is much more than that.
On Sept. 4, UCLA political science lecturer Cynthia Lebow held an annual Supreme Court review in memorial of her late husband, Allan Lebow. The program covers the court’s latest decisions and its implications on people’s legal rights.
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