On the last show of the school year, Jake Kohlhepp from Bruin Republicans and Alex Lyons from Bruin Democrats discuss current pressing political issues and their respective initiatives in raising awareness about political issues on campus.
First, Sid reviews UCLA’s first environmental film festival “Green Screens”, which presented documentaries on environmental activism and human connections. Then, with Earth Day around right around the corner, second-year environmental science student, Jacqueline Mak and first-year life sciences student Jacqueline Williams talk about CalPirg’s recent campaigns, such as the Million Clean Cars and Students Against Fracking.
Daily Bruin news contributor Amanda Schallert talk about the possibility of having a transfer representative on USAC with fourth-year sociology student Randall Call, fourth-year political science student Nicole Fossi, and third-year political science student Alyssa Nunez, while and Janet Nguyen discusses the heavily contested elections this year, where four slates are running candidates.
Tune into Long Story Short at 6 p.m. at UCLAradio.com hosted by Jonaki Mehta and Sidhaant Shah. Last week, the Daily Bruin wrote an editorial on ASUCLA’s proposed contract, which offered Student Media a loan agreement to pay off their finances, but included a clause that compromised The Bruin’s independence.
Tune into Long Story Short today at 6 p.m. on UCLAradio.com hosted by Jonaki Mehta and Sid Shah. Opinion columnist Ryan Nelson talks about how lapel cameras could improve law enforcement on campus, while our hosts address the ongoing drought in California and suggest some creative ways to conserve water.
Daily Bruin photographers Sidhaant Shah, Angie Wang, and Gabrielle Cabalza find some of UCLA’s trendiest students and ask about their inspirations and how they describe their style.
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