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LIVE: January 2025 fires
Keshav Tadimeti | Alumnus
Tadimeti was the Daily Bruin's Opinion editor from 2017-2019 and an assistant Opinion editor in the 2016-2017 school year. He tends to write about issues pertaining to the higher education, state politics and the administration, and blogs occasionally about computer science. Tadimeti was also the executive producer of the "No Offense, But" and "In the Know" Daily Bruin Opinion podcasts.
Tadimeti was the Daily Bruin's Opinion editor from 2017-2019 and an assistant Opinion editor in the 2016-2017 school year. He tends to write about issues pertaining to the higher education, state politics and the administration, and blogs occasionally about computer science. Tadimeti was also the executive producer of the "No Offense, But" and "In the Know" Daily Bruin Opinion podcasts.

Interactive Page

Jan. 7, 2020 1:48 a.m.

PRIME: The Billion Dollar Patent

A new cancer treatment drug let dying patients in India live longer and with a higher quality of life. Then, UCLA waged a patent war.

By Liz Ketcham, Keshav Tadimeti, and Teddy Rosenbluth


April 26, 2019 3:05 p.m.

No Offense, But: USAC elections

“No Offense, But” is back for another week, this time to answer a question on many students’ minds: What is going on with the Undergraduate Students Association Council?

By Keshav Tadimeti, Abhishek Shetty, William Bleveans, and Emily Merz

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