“No Offense, But” is back for the final podcast of the year. Join outgoing Opinion editor Keshav Tadimeti, outgoing assistant Opinion editor Ani Gasparyan and columnist Enming Zhang talk about UCLA’s plan to reduce enrollment rates and grow summer classes.
I’m not good at remembering things.
I didn’t think much of it when I joined the Daily Bruin. I applied on what was basically a whim a second before the deadline for applications closed and probably didn’t read the paper until the day of my interview.
Professors aspiring to get tenure are working against a ticking clock.
For women, though, this clock ticks much louder.
Faculty at UCLA typically start off as assistant professors and work within a roughly eight-year time frame to obtain tenure, or permanent employment.
University of California students may be able to have their tuition fees waived in return for promising a portion of their future income to their university if a proposed bill passes.
The 2018 midterm elections made significant strides for the Democratic Party. But the same can’t be said for women in politics.
A record number of women ran this year and won seats in Congress.
Women’s reproductive choices have once again been made by a man.
Reproductive rights have always been limited, even in California. Prior to the state’s legalization of abortion, women were forced to seek illegal abortions, which lacked adequate safety measures and had risks of maternal death, disability and infertility.
Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States left many afraid of the danger his confirmation would pose to reproductive rights in America.
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