In a hidden corner of Ackerman Union, unexpected friends come together to play and share a love for the game of pool. Students and staff members play pool and build camaraderie on the last standing pool table in Ackerman.
BruinHope is a UCLA community service project that travels to Tijuana, Mexico twice a quarter to help children of the orphanage La Tribu de Jesus. Volunteers and community members share their experiences during one of the day-long charity trips to Tijuana.
During the Immigration Awareness Week rally hosted by Improving Dreams, Equality, Access, and Success (IDEAS) and the Office of the External Vice President, students and their supporters come out as being undocumented citizens at Bruin Plaza.
Dressed in brightly colored onesies and last minute DIY creations, participants of Dance Marathon took full advantage of the various themed shifts that took place over 26 hours.
Jumping on brightly lit quadrants, students participate on the first ever human powered dance floor at Dance Marathon. UCLA’s Ecology, Economy, Equity club teamed up with the Pediatric AIDS Coalition to bring the event the kinetic dance floor.
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