What does it mean to be a man in modern society? UCLA students, in conjunction with Hello America Tours, gathered in Ackerman Union’s Global Viewpoints Lounge to answer that question with the “Dick Dialogues.” “Dick Dialogues” is an open mic inspired by “The Vagina Monologues,” a 1996 play by feminist activist Eve Ensler that explores gender roles in the modern era.
“A great thing about UCLA is that it is entertainment oriented,” states American Idol season five contestant Ace Young. Royce Hall hosted the American Idol season 13 premier screening and Q&A segment with the judges on Tuesday.
UCLA community service group Circle K hosted its annual Pillow Fight Sunday to fundraise for the Alexandria House, a transitional home for women and children. Located in downtown Los Angeles, the House provides a variety of services for homeless women and survivors of domestic violence and aims to help them secure stable and independent lives.
“One reason that people in college grow and change so much is that they have relationships,” says UCLA psychology professor Benjamin Karney. Professors Karney and Thomas Bradbury provide insight into the psychology of romantic relationships in college and the reasons why third-year neuroscience student Esther Lee and fourth-year sociology student Lori McCallum can maintain their relationships with their fiancés in college.
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